

speederboard uses tera, which is similiar to Jinja2 and handlebars.

The handlers that render the templates definite a Rust struct which is serialized to tera- This context can be viewed at the top of the page html when in dev mode, with specifics available in the handler file context structs.

Documentation for this documentation

Information on fields of structs is documented with a jinja comment. These look like {# this #} .

A “UI Link” is a link you can anchor, redirect, or type into the URL bar to bring someone to show them a nice HTML page representing the documented resource.

A link that can be specified as an action in an HTML form, taking an action on the inputted resource.

A link that can be loaded with an img tag.


An optional variable may or may not be set, and must be checked for truthiness with

{% if variable %} {% endif %}


{{ variable }}
{{ struct.variable }}

There are three functions worth knowing about. - gettrans, getuserlinks, and getgamelinks


gettrans takes at minimum two arguments, key and lang. You can set lang to the “magic” variable language, and key should be a static string literal referencing the key in en.lang.

Some translations also support interpolation. Any extra arguments passed into gettrans will be available in that translation.

{{ gettrans(lang=language, key="base.name") }}
{{ gettrans(lang=language, key="moderation.ban", name=user.username) }}

getuserlinks takes exactly one argument- a User object. It returns a map of strings, documented below. stylesheet_url is optional.

{% set links = getuserlinks(user=user) %}
{{ links.pfp_url }}  {# Image link to this user's PFP #}
{{ links.banner_url }}  {# Image link to this user's banner #}
{{ links.stylesheet_url }}  {# (Optional) Resource link to this user's custom stylesheet. #}
{{ links.ui_url }} {# Link to this user's homepage on speederboard #}

getgamelinks takes exactly one argument- a Game object. It returns a map of strings, documented below. These will always be valid links.

{% set links = getgamelinks(game=game) %}
{{ links.cover_art_url }} {# Image link to this game's cover art #}
{{ links.banner_url }} {# Image link to this game's banner image #}
{{ links.ui_url }} {# UI link to this game's speederboard homepage #}
{{ links.edit_url }} {# UI link to this game's edit page #}
{{ links.feed_url }} {# UI link to this game's moderator feed #}
{{ links.team_url }} {# UI link to this game's moderator team #}
{{ links.forum_url }} {# UI link to this game's forum #}
{{ links.forum_new_post_url }} {# UI link to make a new post on this game's forum #}

getrunlinks takes exactly two arguments- a Game object, in game, and a Run object in run. It returns a map of strings, documented below. These will always be valid links.

{% set links = getrunlinks(game=game, run=run) %}
{{ links.review_url }} {# UI link to review the run #}
{{ links.verify_post_url }} {# Action link to verify a run #}
{{ links.reject_post_url }} {# Action link to reject a run #}
{{ links.ui_url }} {# UI link to view a run #}

getpostlinks takes exactly two arguments- a Game object, in game, and a ForumPost object in post. A map of strings is returned, documented below. These will always be valid links.

{% set links = getpostlinks(game=game, run=run) %}
{{ links.ui_url }} {# UI link to this post #}

getcategorylinks takes exactly two arguments- a Game object, in game, and a MiniCategory or Category object in category. A map of strings is returned, documented below. These will always be valid links.

{% set links = getcategorylinks(game=game, category=category) %}
{{ links.ui_url }} {# UI link to this category #}
{{ links.feed_url }} {# UI link to the mod-feed for this category #}
{{ links.edit_url }} {# UI link to edit this category #}
{{ links.new_run_url }} {# UI link to make a new run in this category #}